Jolene Cookbook
Jolene has been a success here in Oregon and many people around the world have requested instructions on how to make their own version. In response, the National Hearing Conservation Association funded the production of the Jolene Cookbook that is now available. All new Version 3.0 of the Cookbook is now available – see updates in sources for materials, options using a new sound level meter, the references, and the introduction. Download your FREE copy of the cookbook!
We encourage all interested to download the Cookbook and create their own Jolene. Give him or her a name, take him/her to health fairs, the shopping mall, wherever people congregate. Talk to people about protecting their hearing. Ask them to test their personal stereo system (MP3s, CD players, etc.) to find out how loud they are listening to their music. Record what levels people are listening to their music. How long do they listen per day? What is their age?
Tell us ( where you take your “Jolene”, and about your experiences, send us a photo. We will add your comments and photos to the Jolene Family Album.
If you would like to have someone make you your own version of Jolene, contact Don Finan ( or Genna Martin (
Map of Downloads
The Jolene Cookbook has been downloaded in all 50 states:
and these countries: