BUTCH – Nebo School District, Utah
Butch’s “birthdate” was March 6, 2008 in Springville Utah. Developer: Candi Bown, Audiologist
Candi is proud of him and uses him in classes she teaches at the University of Utah. He has made appearances at various events and venues including in May for Better Speech and Hearing month where he was in a lot of classrooms teaching kids about “dangerous decibels”.
Here he is with Utah Speech Language and Hearing Ambassador Raquel Turner who is deaf and wears a cochlear implant. He was also used at the Utah Speech Language Hearing Association for a demonstration during Dr. Bown’s presentations. He will be attending a workshop of all of the school nurses in the state of Utah in November. Dr. Bown especially enjoys the looks she gets when driving down the freeway with him buckled into her passenger seat.